happy march everyone! Im still working on this websitte but..
progress has defintely died down a bit as I am busy with school and doing other things lol..
but I guess as a sort of an update log, i added some cool crt lines to my site
(even though the effect breaks through half of the page, and one of the scroll bars is just constantly spazing out..)
on an unrelated topic I started my playthrough on resident evil 4 UHD again, pretty cool game, im currently on the castle section..
i love getting swarmed by cultists lol
No way bro!
I recently started working on this website again after totally forgeting about it for months lol
probably because I was too lazy to actually work on this website or trying to update it was too daughting of a task...
But as the last couple days have went by I am more motivated on working this website and keep posts coming at least monthly..
and maybe even soon I'll work on the webring..
You'll make it!
Today I finally noticed this website again.
I am tired, but I should probably stay up
pic related